For ATC’s “Fridays At The Studios”, we’ll be launching into a series of staged Zoom readings. We have put out a call for submissions, which are screened by a panel of readers. These plays are submitted from around the globe which the author is ready for the next stage of development- hearing their words from actor’s mouths. Here, they can glimpse at what works and what doesn’t.

There is also an audience, which offers a talkback after the reading. Actors will be assigned a director, and are asked to read the play before rehearsal, make character choices, et cetera.

This is open to past and present ATC students, staff, and other interested parties. No money is exchanged anywhere in the process.

Actors interested in Upcoming Zoom Readings for our “Fridays At The Studio” series; please pick a character from the provided sides, and self tape an audition.

Send to through the FTP site,

In the section which lets you write a brief cover, include your name, contact information, availablity, and the sides you chose to read. You may get a totally different play. This database is used for casting.

Directors Contact Matt with your breakdowns. Also, there is a practical guide to effective use of virtual backgrounds for Zoom readings, published in the button below.

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